Hosted PBX for Small and Medium Businesses

Communication is the one of the most important footholds for small businesses because if small and medium sized businesses do not have the latest technology infrastructure, they cannot do business. Hosted PBX systems has brought a major change in the way small and medium sized businesses communicate.

Small and medium businesses need leads. These businesses can use their business phone to integrate all business activities. Hosted PBX allows for a wide range of features that integrate and back up almost all the business leads and activities. This way there is even less potential for a loss of business opportunities.

Features of Hosted PBX:

  • Unlimited extensions
  • Call Hunt
  • Simultaneous Ring
  • Voicemail
  • calling between extensions,
  • geographical integration
  • Interactive Voice Response
  • toll free number

Hosted PBX is a cost-effective and scalable system that seems to be the perfect fit for small and medium sized businesses giving them a robust communication interface without any physical setup.

For more information on Hosted PBX, contact NPV.